UniPID News

June 12, 2020 — UniPID Rolls Out Four New Virtual Studies Courses

The Virtual Studies call for course proposals 2020 attracted 18 high quality proposals. The new courses cover the themes of climate change, Global South, social protection and health.

March 9, 2020 — Master's Award Ceremony Celebrates Martta Kaskinen

The winning thesis by Martta Kaskinen was applauded by the Award Committee for the innovativeness of the work: "There is no previous research on the relationship between development imaginaries and the political, social and economic contexts in Finland".

March 9, 2020 — The UniPID Annual Report 2019 Is Out Now

2019 brought about a new UniPID Strategy for 2020-2025, additions and changes in the Coordination Unit staff, such as the new UniPID lecturer position to further develop the Virtual Studies, continued research support in the form of grants, events, and more, as well as a new form of societal...