Other Sources of Funding
Here is a list of funding opportunities for research, capacity building and different types of grants and other support offered by national and international funding agencies. Please note that the list aims to provide an overview of the variety of funding sources but is not exhaustive.
Useful databases and directories
- Eurofunding database is an information service provided by Welcomeurope. It includes all the Grants from the European Commission.
- EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. It supports researcher mobility and career development, while enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world.
- Aurora database gathers together funding opportunities in sciences, arts and culture. The database includes Finnish and foreign funding organisations and programmes, which are available for Finns or those residing in Finland.
- Terra Viva Grants Directory offers information about grants for agriculture, energy, environment, and natural resources in the world's developing countries.
European Commission’s programmes
- Horizon 2020 - The current EU Research and Innovation programme with nearly €80 billion of funding available between 2014 and 2020.
- EU Research and Innovations Programmes unit EUTI at Tekes
- National Contact Points (NCPs) assist with questions related to the content H2020 calls
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions – The Research Fellowship Programme funded by the European Commission supports researchers from different fields at all stages of their careers, irrespective of nationality.
- Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Erasmus+ has opportunities for a wide range of organisations, including universities, education and training providers, think-tanks, research organisations, and private businesses. Erasmus+ also offers opportunities for individuals of all ages, helping them develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organisations in different countries.
Other international funding sources
- IFS (International Foundation for Science) offers individual grant schemes for developing country scientists and holds research competitions.
- Nordic Council of Ministers' funding schemes grant project funding in a wide variety of topics. The projects must benefit the Nordic countries and the adjacent areas and generate Nordic synergy.
- The African Union Research Grant programme offers funding opportunities for science and technology research conducted in Africa contributing towards sustainable development.
- The Fulbright Center offers grants to Finnish students, researchers and scholars wishing to conduct research in the United States.
National funding sources
- The Academy of Finland offers a variety of funding opportunities for scientific research.
- Finnish National Agency for Education (EDUFI) promotes international cooperation and mobility in Finnish society through the different programmes and scholarship schemes it manages and implements.
- The Higher Education Institutions Institutional Cooperation Instrument (HEI ICI) is a funding instrument funded by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs Finland and coordinated by EDUFI. HEI-ICI supports cooperation projects between higher education institutions in Finland and the developing world.
Photo credit: Markus Spiske, 2016, on Unsplash.