UniPID Strategy 2020-2025
Read the full UniPID 2020-2025 strategy HERE.
UniPID Mission
The Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID) supports higher education institutions in bringing global responsibility and Global South perspectives into their education, research, and societal impact activities, thus promoting international partnerships in support of sustainable development pathways.
Vision 2025
By 2025, through collaborative partnerships with actors in the Global South, Finnish universities have successfully integrated sustainable development pathways into the three pillars of higher education.
- Education – Students can access high-quality courses on sustainable development pathways, and will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with peers from the Global South.
- Research – Collaborative projects involving partners and stakeholders in the Global South are increasingly common. This offers an opportunity to Finnish researchers to engage in co-creation of knowledge with peers from the Global South.
- Societal impact – Universities – alongside other research organizations – contribute to evidence-informed decision-making by vigorously taking part in policy dialogues on sustainable development pathways and by actively bringing up Global South perspectives.
Diversity, Equality, Participation, Interdisciplinary learning, Research-based knowledge, Sustainability, Transparency
Strategic Priorities
UniPID's Objectives for Societal Impact
UniPID advocates for science-based policy-making and stresses the importance of responsible partnerships for facing global challenges.
UniPID promotes the expertise of its member universities by facilitating researchers’ contributions to development and higher education policy, national and international research programs and priority areas in funding.
UniPID also supports the integration of migrants in Finnish higher education and encourages the engagement of Scholars At Risk at Finnish universities.
Strategy implementation, monitoring and evaluation
The strategy will be implemented through two three-year programmes that are detailed in annual work plans. Evaluative thinking will be incorporated into the work of the Board and the Coordination Unit. Annual reflection and assessment will be documented in the annual report. A facilitated self-evaluation halfway through the strategy period will provide input for the latter part of the strategy period.
Photo credit: Domiziana S., 2012, on Flickr.