What is UniPID?

UniPID is a network of Finnish universities that supports interdisciplinary studies and research, as well as societal impact and partnerships of universities related to global sustainable development.

Right Now

UniPID News

February 19, 2025 — UniPID welcomes its 10th Member University: Hanken School of Economics!

What better way to start the new year than by welcoming a new member! Hanken School of Economics has officially joined the UniPID network. With this addition, we now move forward together with 10 Finnish universities, strengthening our commitment to advancing universities’ global responsibility.

UniPID News

February 4, 2025 — Scientific Community and Science Funding Agencies Commit to Cooperation on Accelerating the Sustainability Transformation

The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters has compiled a joint declaration with signatures from 12 universities, 4 foundations and 9 other scientific actors that seek to create a community of scientists and science supporters to act as pioneers of the sustainability transformation. The undersigned...

UniPID News

January 14, 2025 — Starting 2026, UniPID will continue its work from the University of Eastern Finland!

Coordination of the Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID) will move from the University of Helsinki to the University of Eastern Finland from the start of 2026.

What does UniPID do?

For Students

Interested in studying sustainable development? UniPID offers virtual courses and a Study Module in Sustainable Development.

Already studying development? UniPID awards a yearly Master’s Award in Development Studies and supports the training and networking of Finnish doctoral students.

For Researchers

Researching issues relevant to development? UniPID organizes scientific events and informs about research calls and funding opportunities. 

Interested in research policy? UniPID impacts research agendas and funding priorities and supports Finnish participation in research consortia and policy dialogues.

For Society

Interested in the societal impact of universities? UniPID supports universities’ efforts to foster their response to global challenges.

Looking for expertise? UniPID facilitates Finnish researchers’ input in national and international development policy, and connects Finnish universities with other relevant stakeholders.