UniPID Annual Report 2020 published!
2020 was exceptional for UniPID, not only because of the pandemic but also because the UniPID coordination was transferred from the University of Jyväskylä to the University of Helsinki at the end of the year. Read more about our activities in the Annual Report!
The COVID-19 pandemic had a notable impact on UniPID's activities in 2020. UniPID reallocated funds from cancelled events and grants to the Virtual Studies programme, funding four new courses. These courses are organized in collaboration with one or more partner universities from the Global South, which is a new feature in the Virtual Studies programme. 14 courses were offered during 2020, resulting in a total of 341 course completions.
UniPID also participated actively in national policy dialogue processes. UniPID co-chaired a subgroup of the Ministry of Education and Culture's KV-foorumi (Internationalization forum), planning a globally responsible funding programme. In addition, UniPID continued to pilot the administrative service on commissioned studies on development policy for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, participated in the initiative to highlight Finland’s role in responding to the global learning crisis, and contributed to the preparation of Finland's Africa strategy.
UniPID received external funding for one Horizon 2020 project proposal and for continuing the Commissioned Studies Mechanism for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
"UniPID is a true trailblazer in advancing Finnish universities' global responsibility and in boosting our joint response to global challenges. UniPID’s valuable work, spanning nearly two decades, challenges as well as supports us at Finnish universities in putting sustainable development front and center in all our activities.
It has been an absolute honour for us at the University of Jyväskylä to host the UniPID Network Coordination Unit on our campus since its establishment and we look forward to continuing our fruitful collaboration."
- Marja-Leena Laakso, Vice Rector of Education at the University of Jyväskylä.
Read the full report on our Activities-page here.
Photo credit: Hamed Daram, 2018, Unsplash