UniPID Virtual Studies Call for Course Proposals 2022

December 7, 2021

Our yearly call for course proposals for UniPID Virtual Studies programme is now open! We invite all interested teachers and lecturers from UniPID member universities to submit proposals by the 16th of February, 2022.

Virtual Studies Call for Course Proposal 2022

The 2022 Call for Proposals aims to fund courses that contribute to and expand the themes and overall offering of UniPID's Virtual Studies programme. Course proposals for new courses as well as for updating existing UniPID courses are welcomed. Average sums assigned for the courses:

New UniPID Course

A sum of up to 6 500 € per course is available from UniPID for the creation and provision of a new online course. Any course proposal that adheres to the UniPID Virtual Studies learning objectives is eligible to apply.

However, in this call, UniPID wishes especially proposals addressing the following issues:

  • A course on Project Management in Development Cooperation that focuses on project management in practice (project cycle management, budgeting, assessment, evaluation, theory of change). In this context, we encourage considering the possibility of using Fingo’s online self-study package on project management in the proposed course; however, this is not required.
  • Special attention is given to proposals that address the topics of gender and development, indigenous people, conflicts and development, natural resources, migration, as well as courses produced in collaboration with partners in the Global South. We would also welcome proposals with a strong interdisciplinary approach. However, other proposals exploring challenges of sustainable development in the Global South will be considered.

Updating an existing UniPID course

A sum of up to 4 500 € per course is available from UniPID for updating a course that has been offered at least 3 times as a part of the UniPID Virtual Studies syllabus.

UniPID would like to offer courses to students all year round. Should you be able to offer your course during the summer period, we advise you to inform it in your proposal. A signed contract with UniPID requires three semesters of teaching. To ensure sufficient course offering in the upcoming years, UniPID encourages courses to be offered across three consecutive academic years (instead of three consecutive semesters) and to include at least 50 UniPID students per course.

The applicants are required to specify which category of funding they are applying for.

The deadline for proposals is February 16th 2022 at 23:59. The results will be announced by the end of March 2022 at the latest.

Read the full Call for Course Proposals here. (The document has the old deadline.)

Virtual Studies course funding application form.

For questions, please contact: Meeri Tiensuu, Education Support Specialist, .

Photo credits: Sharon McCutcheon, 2020 on Unsplash.