UniPID News

October 26, 2022 — I say thanks, but not goodbye!
After 10 years of coordinating and directing UniPID, Johanna Kivimäki moves to other tasks, but wishes to keep contact and continue collaboration with the UniPID community.

October 18, 2022 — Questionnaire for ethical guidelines for Global South related research and partnerships
Have your say on the challenges and good practices for building global academic partnerships!

October 6, 2022 — Perspectives on UniPID’s role at ÅAU
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the UniPID network, this blog post looks at how Åbo Akademi University (5,700 students and 1,100 staff members) has benefited from the network. Within the fields of sustainability and human rights, we are focusing on efforts to expand and deepen our work...

October 6, 2022 — UniPID is looking for a new Director!

September 19, 2022 — “Arctic attitude” meets Global South scholars
The University of Oulu representatives take over the Anniversary blog this month, to highlight its efforts in advancing cooperation with the Global South, and recognizing that UniPID continues to be a vehicle for participating in the wider development discussions for successful university...

September 14, 2022 — Strengthening global responsibility skills in academic partnerships
Early this year UniPID and the Finnish higher education institutions’ global networks coordinated a Training on responsible global academic partnerships which was a hands-on opportunity to provide tools, empower participants with knowledge, and nurture global development skills.

August 11, 2022 — Entangled global inequalities and responsibilities
In this month’s Anniversary blog, Seppälä discusses the concept of global responsibility and its entanglement with global inequalities, highlighting the role of academia in cultivating new visions and practices of solidarity.

July 18, 2022 — UniPID - A new era?
In this month's Anniversary blog, Markus Laitinen, Head of Development of the University of Helsinki, looks back at what UniPID was and how the Network has transformed to what it is now, having one question in mind: What might lie ahead for UniPID, will it be able to keep the momentum and...

June 14, 2022 — Story behind the research: Meet Pham Nguyen Anh Thu!
We took up on Thu's wise words: "News and updates come from people, so the more connected you are, the more updates you get", and hope to share a connection while telling her story, sources of inspiration, research interests, and lifestyle.