Ethical guidelines for Global South academic partnerships
Ethical guidelines for responsible academic partnerships with the Global South
The ethical guidelines for responsible academic partnerships with the Global South are designed as a self-reflective journey to counterbalance inherent the global inequalities that permeate and that may be reproduced within academic collaborations. With a combination of ideals, principles, and values, as well as other resources for further reading, the guidelines provide recommendations for the academic community in Finnish higher education institutions, highlighting key points to consider in their engagements in and with the Global South. This work started in October 2021 and has been implemented by the Finnish University Partnership for International Development (UniPID), in collaboration with the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity (TENK) and guided by a steering group composed of representatives of Finnish and international institutions whose work is related to global academic collaborations and research integrity. The UniPID task force collected and analysed data from various events and sources to inform the drafting of the guidelines. Creating these guidelines has been considered crucial and necessary in a time when academic partnerships are increasingly popular and responsible engagement should be considered.
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Keyword (yso)
partnerships , research ethics , dialogue , tertiary education
academic partnerships , Global South , research integrity , co-creation , higher education
Please watch the animated video of the guidelines here
Photo credits: Domina Petric, 2023, on Unsplash