Research Funding Opportunities

June 27, 2013 — Call for concept notes on rural transport

Call for concept notes on rural transport: African Community Access Programme (AFCAP) plans to commission a small number of research papers pertaining to significant knowledge gaps in rural transport and, in particular, Transport Services in sub-Saharan Africa.


EduCluster is looking for 6 long term French speaking experts for 2 projects in the field of Higher Education in Algeria. The teams need to be finalized by mid-April. If you are interested please contact Ms Marja-Liisa Mustonen by email or phone (+358 50 373 2115).

March 18, 2013 — Oulu ERAfrica Call Info Session

Attend the ERAfica proposal call info session in Oulu to answer questions on how to apply and for tips in preparing a good application.

January 30, 2013 — Apply for NAI Scholarships

The Nordic Africa Institute is accepting applications to three different scholarships. Apply Today!

November 15, 2012 — Science Journalist Internships with Research Africa

Research Africa is looking for African Science Journalists for a 7 month internship in Cape Town. If you are interested, apply before November 20th, 2012.

October 19, 2012 — Open PhD Position at Stockholm University

There is an open PhD position in international cooperation and complex security challenges at Stockholm University, but hurry as the deadline is October 22nd, 2012.

October 19, 2012 — TAPRI Research Grant

Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) invites applications for the 2013 TAPRI research grant. The grant is for 20 000 euros.

September 26, 2012 — Join HEI ICI training in Project Planning and Management

CIMO is organising another training session on project planning and management, October 8-9th in Helsinki. Register by October 3rd.

August 24, 2012 — Funding opportunities from the EU and Academy of Finland

Now's the time to apply for funding!