Research Funding Opportunities

May 28, 2015 — The FinCEAL Infobank Competition is back!

The FinCEAL Infobank is a multidisciplinary database on research related to Africa, Asia Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) carried out by the Finnish science community. Register your research or capacity building project in the Infobank by August 28 2015, and win a Travel Grant of 1500€!

May 25, 2015 — FinCEAL Plus Travel Grants for the Info Day on H2020 WP Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy in Brussels

FinCEAL Plus has opened a Targeted Travel Funding Call to support the participation of a maximum of 6 experts from Finnish universities or research institutions interested in attending the Info Day on the Horizon 2020 (H2020) Work programme 2016-2017 ‘Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy’ in...

April 15, 2015 — First FinCEAL Plus Open Travel Grants Call is Open

FinCEAL Plus launches Open Travel Grants - Apply Now! Deadline is 15th May 2015.

March 18, 2015 — Call for Expressions of Interest: CEST+I Support for Working Visits in Europe and Chile

The Chile-EU Science, Technology and Innovation Initiative (CEST+I) is pleased to invite expressions of interest to apply for support for working visits for researchers between the EU and Chile – for visits that are aimed at elaborating project proposals for Horizon 2020.

March 9, 2015 — FinCEAL Plus Targeted Travel Grants for the Africa Health Conference and Exhibition in Johannesburg

FinCEAL Plus has opened a Targeted Travel Funding Call to support the participation of one expert from a Finnish university or a research institution interested in attending the Africa Health Conference and Exhibition in Johannesburg 5 - 7 May 2015.

March 5, 2015 — FinCEAL Plus Kick off: Finland's International Research Cooperation, Making the Most of Horizon 2020

FinCEAL Plus is launched in a two-day kick-off event on 15-16 April in Helsinki. The event will focus on the topic of international research cooperation within the Horizon2020 programme. The seminar is aimed at researchers, policy makers, company representatives and non-governmental organizations...

March 4, 2015 — FinCEAL Plus Call for Project Preparatory Funding is open until April 15th 2016

FinCEAL Plus has opened a Call for Project Preparatory Funding open from March 9th 2015. The purpose of the preparatory funding is to offer support to applicants based in Finnish institutions who are in the process of preparing an application for collaborative research funding from Horizon 2020 or...

February 20, 2015 — FinCEAL Plus Targeted Travel Grants for the GCHERA 2015 Conference in Lebanon

FinCEAL Plus has opened a Targeted Travel Funding Call to support the participation of a maximum of two experts to participate in the GCHERA 2015 Conference in Lebanon 24-26 June 2015. The call is directed to experts whose geographic focus is on Africa.

January 27, 2015 — FinCEAL Targeted Travel Grants for Info Day & Brokerage event for Social Sciences in Horizon 2020, February 26th in Brussels

FinCEAL has opened a Targeted Travel Funding Call to support the participation of a maximum of 4 experts from Finnish universities or research institutions interested in attending the Info Day & Brokerage event on Horizon 2020 – Societal Challenge 6, Call: Europe as a Global Actor, held in...