Finnish-Nepalese Project for Improving Capability of the Government of Nepal to respond to the increased risks related to weather related natural disasters caused by climate change (FNEP)

Research summary

The main focus of the project has been in Capacity Building in the area of Meteorological Network Design and Development, Hydrometeorological Data Management, Data Quality Control Procedures, Early Warning Systems and New Services Development.


The project included:
• Training workshops by FMI experts (e.g. Socio Economic Studies, Early Warning Systems, Lightning Detection, Data Management, R-software)
• Analysis and Development Plans made during the Projects: Socio-Economic Study, The Technical Feasibility Study, 5-year meteorological plan overview, The Early Warning Strategy and the 5-year Plan for Development of Climate Services.
• Hands on training in operation and maintenance of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) laboratory and field practices, data management and data validation and building quality management system;

Research info

Research title
Finnish-Nepalese Project for Improving Capability of the Government of Nepal to respond to the increased risks related to weather related natural disasters caused by climate change (FNEP)

Research timeline
1.2.2010 - 1.12.2012

capacity building Meteorology


Finland, Nepal

Finnish Meteorological Institute
Helsinki, Finland

Funding instrument
Ministry for Foreign Affairs (ICI, HEI-ICI, N-S-S)

Head of research
Irma Ylikangas

Department of Hydrology and Meteorology in Nepal

Contact information
Antti Hyvärinen

Record last updated