Dipjoy Chakma

Project coordinator

Researcher info


University of Helsinki


Department of Forest Sciences

Contact information


capacity building cooperation Exchange forestry FORMEB

Research projects

  • Project date 1.7.2014
  • Head of research Professor Markku Kanninen
  • Language n/a

Objective: The overall objective of the FoLAFI project is to enhance capabilities of young forestry professionals in improved-management and sustainable use of Laos’s forest resources. This objective will be mainly achieved by – 1. Students and teachers exchange between FoF (NUoL) and VITRI (UH). The plan is to carry out 4 incoming and 2 outgoing student exchanges, and 4 incoming and 2 outgoing teacher exchanges. 2. Intensive course at FoF, NUoL and workshop to disseminate the result of intensive course. The topic of the course will be “Small holder teak management in South-East Asia”, where participants from NUoL, VITRI, Svannakhet University and other countries in the region (e.g. Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar) will participate. The result of the course will be disseminated in a public workshop in Laos, where different organization working on “small holder teak management” will present their results as well. 3. Promoting south-south cooperation. To widen the existing cooperation between national and regional HEIs in forestry and related fields, inter alia, by inviting representatives of those institutions to participate in the intensive course.


Professor Markku Kanninen, Dipjoy Chakma

  • Project date 1.3.2013
  • Head of research Eshetu Yirdae
  • Language n/a

The overall objective of the proposed project is the strengthening of the National University of Laos, Faculty of Forestry’s educational performance and enabling it to provide good professionals for improved management and the sustainable use of Lao PDR’s forest resources. The project purpose is to support the Faculty of Forestry in terms of international collaboration, organization of joint teaching material production and education events, curriculum development, introduction of new teaching methods, and joint supervision of M.Sc. students research with the aim to provide good forestry professionals and academians for the forest sector of Lao PDR. The proposed project is mainly implemented by (a) organising an intensive training events in Laos for forestry academians and professionals (especially trainers) in the field of forest landscape rehabilitation; (b) promoting the participation of NUoL young staff in intensive training activities organised by VITRI and the Dept. of Forest Sciences in Helsinki; and (c) by strengthening the institutional capacity building in the form of curriculum development, teaching material preparation and new tools for e-learning and networking and new equipments.


Eshetu Yirdaw, Professor Markku Kanninen, Adrian Monge Monge, Dipjoy Chakma