• Institution University of Helsinki
  • Department/faculty Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Reasearch Programme (OEB)

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3385-972X. University Lecturer in Physiological Plant Ecology, Principal Investigator, Sensory and Physiological Ecology of Plants Research group (University of Helsinki), Docent in Plant Physiological Ecology (University of Eastern Finland), Information Officer (UV4Plants International Scientific Association), Editor-in-Chief (UV4Plants Bulletin). Ingeniero Agrónomo, especialidad Fitotecnia (Universidad de Buenos Aires), MSc en Producción Vegetal (Universidad de Buenos Aires), PhD in Science (University of Edinburgh). Teaching: Sensory and physiological ecology of plants, Ecosystems ecology, Statistics and design of experiments, Plant Photobiology.


Sensory and physiological ecology of plants. Bridge the gap between laboratory-based research and field applications.

Dipjoy Chakma

Project coordinator

  • Institution University of Helsinki
  • Department/faculty Department of Forest Sciences

Markku Kanninen

Professor, Work Package Leader

  • Institution Viikki Tropical Resources Institute/University of Helsinki
  • Department/faculty Department of Forest Sciences

I am professor of Tropical Silviculture and Director of Viikki Natural Resources Institute (VITRI) at the University of Helsinki, Finland. I am an expert in tropical forestry, climate change, forest ecology, and forest management.


Building Biocarbon and Rural Development in West Africa (BIODEV) – Work Package 3 (WP3): National policies and capacity strengthening

Markus Kröger

Academy of Finland Postdoctoral Researcher

  • Institution University of Helsinki
  • Department/faculty Department of Political and Economic Studies

Blas Mola

Principal Investigator

  • Institution University of Eastern Finland
  • Department/faculty School of Forest Sciences

My research focuses on topics related to the environmental, economic and social dimension of biomass production. I have participated in a number of national and international projects linked to these research lines, often in the Nordic area. As a lecturer, I have been responsible for several courses oriented to graduate and PhD students, particularly related to statistical and research methods, supply and energy use of lignocellulosic biomass and bioenergy markets and policies, among others.


Training Masters in Ecosystem Services Management in Protected Areas - ECOSERVE

Decision Support for the Supply of Ecosystem Services under Global Change - DecisionES

Sustainable Management of Forest Resources

Adrian Monge Monge

Project leader

  • Institution University of Helsinki, Viikki Tropical Resources Institute (VITRI)
  • Department/faculty Department of Forest Sciences

Myriam Munezero


  • Institution University of Eastern Finland
  • Department/faculty School of Computing

Ayonghe Nebasifu

PhD Researcher

  • Institution Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
  • Department/faculty Anthropology Research Group

A trained anthropologist at the Anthropology Research Group - Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, along with a background in Sociology. I do extensive research on co-management practices, regimes for forestry and wildlife conservation, protected area management, governance and development, as well as land use and sustainability policy.

Anna Repo

Research Scientist (post doc)

  • Institution Natural Resource Institute Finland

The overarching aim of my research is to develop new, sustainable forest management practices and policies that can pave the way for energy transition, climate change mitigation and adaptation, without compromising ecosystem services or the implementation of biodiversity targets. I have expertise in dynamic forest carbon cycle modeling, systems analysis, climate impact assessment, ecosystem service and biodiversity modeling as well as in policies related to climate change mitigation and the sustainability of bioenergy.

Wissam Saleh

PhD Candidate

  • Institution University of Eastern Finland
  • Department/faculty Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology

I am a PhD Candidate at the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, UEF. I am have a Masters in economics and a BSc in Computer Science. My research interests: Serious Games in the educational context, economics of innovation and public (health) policy. I have substantial experience in the private sector (systems analyst, financial economics, data analysis and policy analysis).