Friday Joseph Agbo

Doctoral candidate


Design and development of smart learning environment for programming education.



Researcher info


University of Eastern Finland


School of computing

Contact information

adaptation Africa computing Education learning mobile Nigeria personalization programming smart

Research projects

  • Project date 1.1.2018
  • Head of research Friday Joseph Agbo
  • Language n/a

This research focuses on designing a smart learning environment (SLE) using virtual reality mini games to support students' computational thinking skills. Aside from enhancing the teaching and learning of CT, this research aims to support first-year students and novices of computer science with the opportunity to gain CT skills through an experiential learning approach. The goal of the research is to design and develop VR mini games through a rigorous process of the design science research methodology in order to provide artefact that allows students to learn CT concepts such as algorithmic thinking, recursive thinking, pattern recognition, and abstraction of problems. This research will measure students' learning achievement and cognitive benefits through a field experiment with first-year university students in Nigeria and Finland. Currently, we have developed a VR mini games application in the VR EdTech Lab located at the School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland. The mini games were co-designed with students from within Finland and abroad in order to achieve a student-centered learning environment. The research has produced over seven research papers published in ranked journals and conferences as shown in the link ( The research is being supervised by professors from the School of Computing, University of Finland, and LuleƄ University of Technology (LTU) Sweden. The professors are specialists in VR technology, educational games, and ICT4D.


Professor Markku Tukiainen, Dr. Jarkko Suhonen, Dr. Solomon Oyelere, MSc. Friday Joseph Agbo