Research projects 3

This research focuses on FBOs (World Vision, Fida International and Free Pentecostal Church of Tanzania) and their development projects by employing the capability approach and examining how the faith base influences assessments of valued functionings as aspects of good life, capabilities, and freedoms. Research is based on fieldwork in several regions in Tanzania.

Through an ethnographic study of Catholic and Anglican parishes in Kitgum, Northern Uganda, this study aims to find ways for conceptualising the relationship between Christianity and public culture in post-conflict society. The study contends that nuanced, contextualised understandings of the relationships between religion and politics are essential also for a more general understanding of politics and development in the region.

  • Head of research Minna opas
  • Language n/a

Through a case study – the Yine of Peruvian Amazonia – the research aims both at generating understanding of the relationship between materiality and immateriality in contemporary indigenous Amazonian Christianities, and at providing tools for future comparative study of these Christianities.