Research projects 6
BUSCO project supports building sustainable and resilient communities through co-creation between universities and businesses in Tanzania and Finland. The goal is to improve the capacity of 2 Tanzanian universities (University of Iringa (UoI) and Sebastian Kolowa Memorial University (SEKOMU), located in the Southern Highlands and Tanga region) to promote sustainable community development, entrepreneurship and communities� resilience in their environment. In the long run, we aim to make a contribution to an enhanced standard of living, improved actualization of human rights and to improve the employment opportunities in the communities.
The overall objective of the proposed project is the strengthening of the National University of Laos, Faculty of Forestry’s educational performance and enabling it to provide good professionals for improved management and the sustainable use of Lao PDR’s forest resources. The project purpose is to support the Faculty of Forestry in terms of international collaboration, organization of joint teaching material production and education events, curriculum development, introduction of new teaching methods, and joint supervision of M.Sc. students research with the aim to provide good forestry professionals and academians for the forest sector of Lao PDR. The proposed project is mainly implemented by (a) organising an intensive training events in Laos for forestry academians and professionals (especially trainers) in the field of forest landscape rehabilitation; (b) promoting the participation of NUoL young staff in intensive training activities organised by VITRI and the Dept. of Forest Sciences in Helsinki; and (c) by strengthening the institutional capacity building in the form of curriculum development, teaching material preparation and new tools for e-learning and networking and new equipments.
The ongoing CAPOLSA Phase II project completes the capacity building in CAPOLSA Phase I and needed for reaching the final goal of the ongoing action to help as many children as possible in Sub-Sahara Africa to learn the basic skills, and be able to have appropriate reading skills to acquire functional literacy by being offered appropriate reading material. Together with the training of coordinators for distribution of literacy support throughout Zambia and its neighbouring countries, the project builds skills and networks to overcome the complete lack of reading material which children who have just learned to read have to have. 1. The Capolsa Centre works as a national help centre in Zambia for the tens of thousands of first grade teachers who will be using small tablet computers that Grapholearn Initiative for optimal learning results as well as the learning-game based reading practicing environments (Graphogame). It also serves as the whole Sub-Saharan resource centre in order to extend the reach of their expertise eventually to all the countries in Sub-Sahara area.
A clear need for strengthening forestry education in Kenya has been identified by local and international stakeholders due to increasing demands of sustainable management of natural resources and fast developments of learning technologies. The key objectives of the project are to strengthen the educational capacity and societal role of University of Eldoret in Kenya within the area of sustainable natural resource management by enhancing (a) curricula and subject-specific capacity, (b) pedagogical and ICT capacity, (c) community engagement, and (d) administrative and networking capacity.
Prof. Lyytinen´s research team has developed a science-based, digital learning game to help children to learn to read. The game is based on our 20 years of scientific work in Jyväskylä longitudinal research on dyslexia. The Grapho Learning International Development project aims to co-create a sustainable model to deliver GraphoGame service to new countries. In Africa the research group has long term cooperation with many Higher Education Institutions. Current activities are focused in Kenya, Namibia, Tanzania and Zambia. In Latin America the aim is to deliver new GraphoGame versions in Chile, Peru, Brazil and Mexico.
To identify technological readiness of developing countries for E-Learning, to estimate the metrics for measuring technological readiness of Nigerian Universities Undergraduates for Finnish E-Learning Courses, to report what undergraduates say about their readiness for E-Learning which can assist them achieve the academic outcomes, to track trends of student behaviors, attitudes and perception about E-Learning, benchmark what devices of theirs, they prefer for E-Learning studies and to find out which courses would be most attractive to Nigerian university students via E-learning and finally to establish which resources, such as staff and facilities that would be needed to support E-Learning