FinCEAL Plus ASIA Targeted Travel Grants for H2020 Info Day on SC2 2019 calls on Sustainable Food Security, Blue Growth and Rural Renaissance, and BioHorizon SC2 and KET-B Brokerage Event, 25-26 June, Brussels

May 31, 2018

FinCEAL Plus Asia has opened a Targeted Travel Grant Call to support the participation of experts from Finnish universities or research institutions interested in attending the Horizon 2020 Info Day on Societal Challenge 2 (SC2) calls for proposals of 2019, and BioHorizon SC2 and KET-B Brokerage Event 25-26 June, in Brussels, Belgium.

FinCEAL Plus Asia has opened a Targeted Travel Grant Call to support the participation of experts from Finnish universities or research institutions interested in attending the Horizon 2020 Info Day on Societal Challenge 2 (SC2) calls for proposals of 2019, 25 June and BioHorizon SC2 and KET-B Brokerage Event 26 June, both in Brussels, Belgium.

Information on the Travel Grants

The call is directed to experts focusing on Asia. Please note that this call is for researchers residing in Finland only, and only for this particular event. Interested researchers should send a short description (no more than one page) detailing their interest in the event and how it relates to your work. Clear interest in applying for a H2020 SC2-2019 call together with partners from Asia call in question should be shown. Please note that applicants with a focus purely in European cooperation do not qualify for the grant. A CV or link to your profile should also be included.

The maximum individual grant is 900€ and can be used to cover travel, accommodation, and daily allowances. Applicants from outside the metropolitan Helsinki area can receive max.100€ in addition to the grant to cover their travel expenses within Finland. The deadline for applications is June 7th, 2018. Applications should be sent to Jarkko Mutanen, Jarkko.mutanen[at]

Information on the events

1:Horizon 2020 Info Day on Societal Challenge 2 calls for proposals of 2019 "Sustainable Food Security, Blue Growth and Rural Renaissance” 25.6, Brussels, Belgium (Registration Deadline 15 June)

This event is organised in conjunction with the brokerage event organised on 26 June 2018 by the BIOHORIZON project. More information and event registration are available here.

This information day is the opportunity for attendees to get some insight into the Societal Challenge 2 calls for proposals of Horizon 2020, for the Work Programme of 2019, covering Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy.

This Info Day targets potential applicants of the three upcoming calls for proposals published under the Societal Challenge 2 Work Programme for 2018- 2020:

  • Sustainable Food Security
  • Blue Growth
  • Rural Renaissance

Registration for the event is free of charge and compulsory. However, due to limited space, applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. Registrations will be open until Friday 15 June but will close when the maximum number of participants is reached.

2:BioHorizon SC2 and KET-B Brokerage Event, 26.6, Brussels, Belgium (Registration Deadline 11 June)

Following the Info Day, on 26 June 2018, there will be a corresponding brokerage event organised by the EU-funded BioHorizon project. Offered free of charge, the purpose of the brokerage event is to help you find the right partners for the upcoming 2019 calls under SC2and the Key Enabling Technology 'Biotechnology' (KET-B). The 2018-2020 work programmes have been published on 27 October 2017. More information and the event registration are available here.

Main Topics

  • Sustainable food security – Resilient and resource-efficient value chains
  • Blue growth – Demonstrating an ocean of opportunities
  • Rural renaissance – Fostering innovation and business opportunities
  • KET-Biotechnology

The thematic focus of the event will cover all of the Horizon 2020 SC2 and KET-B calls for 2019. The organisers expect that the demand for places will be high. Priority of participation will be granted to registrants who provide high quality research profiles and indicate specific project application initiatives based on the upcomg calls. Participation is limited to two people representing the same department/organization.

Registrations will be open until Monday 11 June but will close when the maximum number of participants is reached.