Research projects 2
With the proliferation of electronic devices and the perceived obsolesce culture of consuming electronics, it has become important to study not only the current practices involved in the management of the resultant electronic waste (e-waste), but also how e-waste is interacted with in different cultures. As such, this research aims to understand the different factors (cultural and economic)influencing of e-waste management in Nigeria and in Finland.
Dr. Sakari Taipale
The main objectives of the cooperation are: • to develop a study module and associated curriculum on sustainability and clean technologies • to design and implement staff/expert training for sustainability and clean technologies • to develop UEM capacity to provide services for and to establish strong links with industry, national sustainable development efforts and initiatives and other HEIs in the field of sustainability and clean technologies
Prof. Andrade Egas, Dr. Natasha Ribeiro, MSc. (Tech.) Mikko Martikka, MSc. (Tech.) Sakari Toivakainen,