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Education Finland Sustainability Gender forestry fisheries environment capacity building aquaculture agriculture waterResearch projects 3
The research examines how Finnish HEIs engage with other higher education institutions, communities, civil society organisations (CSOs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), enterprises and governments to influence, integrate and/or address the needs for development in various food value-chains and their eco-systems, and further in food and nutrition security and education policy dialogue, especially in the context of the Global South.
The overall goal of BIRDS is to establish a long term international network involving leading researchers in bioinformatics and information retrieval from four different continents, to strengthen the partnership through the exchange of knowledge and expertise, and to develop integrated approaches to improve current approaches in both fields. It will be implemented through staff exchanges, in addition to summer schools, workshops and conferences to facilitate knowledge sharing between members of the partnership. Research results will be disseminated to the market through a cooperation with an innovative SME software development company based in Europe.
iFuCo-project strives towards three main objectives: to build a deeper theoretical understanding of students' online inquiry competences, to develop a novel instructional model to enhance learning and teaching of future online inquiry competences in primary education, and to create a long term research network and collaboration between Finland and Chile to meet the global challenges of future education.