Research projects 3

  • Head of research Martti Heikinheimo
  • Language n/a

Regional development cooperation between Finland and ACS to support the development of Caribbean Small Island Developing States National Meteorological Services.

  • Head of research Irma Ylikangas
  • Language n/a

The main focus of the project has been in Capacity Building in the area of Meteorological Network Design and Development, Hydrometeorological Data Management, Data Quality Control Procedures, Early Warning Systems and New Services Development.

  • Head of research Jaakko Nuottokari
  • Language n/a

The overall objective of this project between FMI and NHMS was the promotion of economic development and reduced risks for the loss of life and property caused by severe weather and climate events in the Vietnamese society. The Project Purpose was the increased capacity of the National Hydro-Meteorological Service in the reduction of natural disaster risks and adaptation to climate change of the Vietnamese society.