Research projects 3

The overall objective of the project is to support Higher Education Institutions in Tanzania, Mozambique and Ethiopia to provide education that promotes sustainable socio-economic development. Application of renewable energy and adoption of energy-efficient lighting products and systems have the great potential to reduce the increasing energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. Tanzania, Mozambique, and Ethiopia have large potential of renewable energy and energy saving by applying energy efficient techniques. The project will support the development of much needed technical expertise and experience in the field of energy efficient lighting.


Pramod Bhusal

  • Head of research Jenni Latikka
  • Language n/a

The main goal of this project is to upgrade the Department of Hydro-Met Services, so that the Bhutanese National Weather Service can be strengthened and thus substantially increase its forecast skills, contributing to the positive economic development of the country, help in reduction of poverty and improved handling of natural catastrophes in times of climate change.


  • Head of research Jyrki Luukkanen
  • Language n/a

The project responds to the identified needs of the Mekong HEIs to: 1) create sustainable energy engineering curricula, 2) improvement of sustainable energy knowledge, innovative pedagogical approaches, skills to foster research oriented learning, 3) improvement of international, national and regional networks DEEM project aims to integrate futures and sustainability thinking, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, build public-private partnerships and include innovative teaching methods. Associate partners from the governments and civil society provide guidance on most relevant challenges and skills needed.


Dr Jyrki Luukkanen, Mr. Mika Korkeakoski, Dr. Jari Kaivo-oja, Mr. Timo Nurmi