Research projects 271
The research objective is to provide quantitative data on antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in Indonesian environments, especially in river environments.
The two-year project NAMURBAN (Urban Resource Efficiency in Developing Countries) pilot study of Walvis Bay, Namibia is research work of Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) from Finland and Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), Namibia. The research is aimed at developing a framework for urban resource efficiency utilization in developing countries using Namibia as a pilot country.
Heikki Koivisto, Meri Olenius
This project, funded by the Academy of Finland (2013–2016), provided theoretically innovative and empirically new and valuable knowledge of the complex dynamics between governance and resistance in the context of the dominant, neoliberal development paradigm. It studied social and political struggles in three countries in South Asia – Nepal, Bangladesh and India – by examining social movements that fight against forced displacement and slum demolitions – all caused by development projects. The project engaged critically in the debate on neoliberal development by analyzing problems related to it, charting possibilities for addressing hem, and offering alternative visions for socially, culturally and politically more sustainable models of development.
iFuCo-project strives towards three main objectives: to build a deeper theoretical understanding of students' online inquiry competences, to develop a novel instructional model to enhance learning and teaching of future online inquiry competences in primary education, and to create a long term research network and collaboration between Finland and Chile to meet the global challenges of future education.
This project funds exchanges between the partner institutions (from Europe to outside Europe, or from outside Europe to Europe, or cross-sectoral) to build collaboration on bioinformatics and information retrieval data structures. We also run summer schools.
Susana Ladra, Simon Puglisi, Gonzalo Navarro, Diego Seco, Hideo Bannai, Andrew Turpin, Giullermo de Bernardo, Luis Russo
This project focuses on how urban governments and social stakeholders in China’s cities engage with major environmental risks and how they tackle the long overdue transition towards cities becoming more green, liveable and sustainable. The research findings will be published in 2017 as: "China’s Emerging Green Urban Governance - Tackling environmental and sustainability challenges at the city level" Editors: Jørgen Delman, Yuan Ren, Outi Luova, Mattias Burell, Oscar Almén
Jörgen Delman, Oscar Almén, Mattias Burell, Ren Yuan
The overall aim of the INDOPED project is to raise the teaching capacity of Indonesian University teachers that they will be enabled to bring the Higher Education to the European standard. The benefit of the INDOPED project for the Indonesian partners is to bring added value to their educational system, to introduce Indonesian lecturers to interdisciplinary pedagogical approaches that innovation becomes an integrated term in all of their doings. It will allow to prepare their students for the challenges on the labour market and to increase interfaculty and interuniversity cooperation possibilities that are not widely used in Indonesia.
Jussi Riihiranta Meiju Keinänen Sakari Koivunen Vesa Taatila
The windows developed in this project will prevent the heat from solar radiation from entering buildings, and instead convert that to usable energy. Thus, the need for air conditioning is drastically reduced without compromising daylight illumination. On the other hand, our widows will also increase the use of solar power by integrating the collectors directly into the facades of buildings.
Jussi Toppari, Janne Simonen, Wolfgang Fritzsche, Frank Garwe, Vamsi Komarala, Eshwar Thouti, Johannes Skaar, Christopher Dirdal
This project is in the initial planning stages and is currently an internal research process between the Oamk LABs pre-incubator program at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences and the partner incubator Global Lab Sendai in Sendai, Japan. This project will attempt to compare the various activities of these two business incubators to explore how the development of startup ecosystems differ in Finland and Japan. This collaboration is being made in the context of supporting the development of new businesses in the Tohoku region of Japan that was devastated by the Tsunami of 2011.
LAB research team, Oulu University of Applied Sciences
The objective of the research and innovation staff exchange project is to contribute to solving the issues related to the youth unemployment in developing countries by developing participatory tools for human development that enable transformational change for the youth. Based on a service design approach, the project will provide tools for the marginalized youth suitable for daily use, enhancing regional democracy, increasing equal opportunities and contributing to human and service development with a particular target group: the San people, in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa and in the Omaheke region in Namibia.
Satu Miettinen, Hanna-Riina Vuontisjärvi, Retha de la Harpe, Vikki du Preez, Heike Winschiers, Shilumbe Chivuno-Kuria, Tang Tang, Paul Wilson, Hennie Swart, Fabrizio Pierandrei, Silvia Remotti