Researchers 362
Husen Tura
Interested in law, business and human rights.
Tuija Turunen
Professor/Dean/UArctic Chair
Professor Tuija Turunen holds a position of Dean at the Faculty of Education, University of Lapland, Finland. She is a leader of the teacher education programme. Turunen holds the UArctic Chair in Education for Social Justice and Diversity and leads the UArctic and the UNESCO/UNITWIN networks on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity. Professor Turunen is an internationally recognized expert in these fields and has given invited addresses throughout the globe both in scientific and popular arenas, e.g. UNESCO Teacher Task Force in Jamaica, Arctic Forum in Russia, IICBA in Ethiopia and various forums in Europe. She has published widely and leads several national and international projects. Professor Turunen’s current research interests focus on teacher education, indigenous education, professional development in higher education, educational transitions (especially starting school), multi-professional work in schools, and preventative school welfare work.
Vilma Vainikainen
Administrative Project coordinator
Harro van Asselt
Principal Investigator
Floris van Doorn
Doctoral Researcher
I am a doctoral candidate in sub-project 3, Migration and the Narratives of Europe as an Area of freedom, security, and justice”, as part of the EuroStorie project. My doctoral research seeks to locate the EU’s external migration policies in both place and time, with a particular focus on the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF for Africa).
Jari Vartiainen
Project Manager
Liisa Varumo
I have both work and research experience in cross-cultural and indigenous communities work in the Latin American region. I have also worked at the Finnish Embassy in Peru and gotten to know the types of projects our ministry funds as cooperation for development and I have also worked in a collaborative project in Nicaragua with local communities and environmental education. Experience in funding applications and reporting.
Liisa Varumo
Researcher / PhD Candidate
My research focuses on market-based conservation instruments, mainly biodiversity offsetting and their role in sustainability transformations. I study the diverse socio-ecological contexts in which these instruments are implemented and how the contexts influence their acceptance and uptake, both in the Global North and South. Currently my interest in is biodiversity offsetting in Colombia and Finland, which are the cases of my PhD research. I have also studied the science-policy-society interfaces related to European biodiversity policy and innovations related to forest ecosystem services.
Leena Vastapuu
Postdoctoral researcher
Researcher of world politics with an emphasis on Sub-Saharan Africa. In my PhD project, I examined the post-war realities of former girl and women soldiers in Liberia and gained my doctorate in 2017. My recent publications include a book 'Liberia's Women Veterans: War, Roles and Reintegration' (Zed Books 2018) and several peer-reviewed articles on gender, post-war reconstruction, child soldiers, inequality, and visual research methods. I have lived, studied and/or worked in Liberia, Senegal as well as Zambia and am eager to develop innovative ways to study and understand different phenomena around the world.